Our Kickstarter Launches February 26th!

We’re excited to remind you that our Kickstarter launches February 26th!

We’ll share the pre-launch page with you when we’re ready, but we’re looking for $100,000 to help us get Spycursion off the ground.

We’ve got some exciting backer rewards planned, so we hope you’re hyped!

For more information on our plans for Kickstarter, see here.

Check out our trailer if you haven’t already for an idea of what Spycursion is all about.

Don’t forget to follow our Twitter to keep up with what we’re up to!

What is Spycursion?

We’re glad you asked! Spycursion is our “edutainment” hacking MMO that aims to teach players how to hack and code. We want to get people more invested in the world of programming.

Spycursion may be educational in nature, but it’s as much a game as a learning tool. Expect more details on the MMORPG aspect of the game in the future!